Friday 7 April 2017

Visual Journal - More Collage Texture Experiments, Mixed Media

I am very happy with how these ones turned out! I feel like they are more successful than the textured ladies at conveying the message and purpose of this project and visual journal.

The woman have become even more objectified, the idea of their bodies and form being their only function within the adverts. By removing their faces and identity their personalities and humanity is immediately overlooked; by replacing certain body parts with just textures emphasises the form and shape of the women being the most important feature of them, the actual flesh and substance behind their bodies irrelevant.

Visually there is also something very appealing about the mixed media element of these collages, the combination of photos and handmade textures. I guess it starts a juxtaposition regarding the clean, perfect and unrealistic images of the women and the inherently imperfect and very human marks creating the textures.

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