Monday 17 April 2017

COP 2 - Proposal

After looking over my work and journey throughout COP 1, I have been thinking over what I want to study next year in context of practice and how it links effectively to what I have been working on up to this point. I feel like I have now reached somewhat of a plan for my proposal.

I want to explore self publishing and zines. This is a subject I have been interested in for a long time and have done writing on in the past, and really want to invest more time and energy in. More specifically guerrilla art and political work; self publishing work that aims to make change and impact politically, socially and culturally. I want to discover and create work that shakes up our society and insights really change in people minds and actions for the betterment of everyone.

This will also tap into the DIY movement and attitude, giving me the opportunity to research into other forms of art and culture that employ similar sensibilities, from skateboarding to music to underground political groups.

There is a strong link between this topic and the one I have been exploring in cop 1. Firstly, self-publishing goes against the traditional publishing methods, such as using big companies and aiming for profit, just like the adverts I have been making which have subverted the profit driven ethics of advertising. Secondly, it explores the uses of illustration and graphic art, aiming to use them for positive and meaningful causes, which is the premise I have been working on all the way through this module. This is the main thing that the likes of Zeegen and Garland were talking about in their articles and manifestos, and I am really keen to continue making work that reflects this view and intention for the discipline. My overarching theme of politics directly relates to my subject also, and will allow me to explore this with more focus and consciousness than I have in cop 1.

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