Friday 7 April 2017

Visual Journal - Collage and Drawing

Continued collage experiments, this time incorporating line drawings with cut up photos of the adverts.

Again, these aim to, and somewhat succeed at, portraying the objectifying nature of the adverts. Although the women's identities are included this time, they are still reduced down simply to their female forms.

Just as the photos worked well with textures, they also work beautifully with simple hand drawn lines. In this particular pieces the relationship between the collage and the lines is very interesting, theres a duality present, one between the human hand and the perfected photo, creating a disjointed elements where they do not perfectly align.

The bottom right image was the first in the series and is a little different than the others, I believe less successful. The line drawings are more accurate and true to the photo, meaning the overall image looses that disjointed aspect which i feel is important for the concept behind the project. Also the textures are unnecessary and make the image too busy and crowded. One of the main successes of the other 3 are their simplicity and the contrast between the cut out shapes and the empty line drawings, as well as the scruffy/messiness of said drawings.

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