Thursday 15 November 2018

Project Updates

  • Research on Henri Lefebvre's ideas on 'waiting' as being an inevitable part of the everyday. Started documenting people waiting, queuing and going to work.
  • Commute observed as a very common, repeated structure of daily life, experienced by the majority.

  • Immediacy and gestural nature of the cars queuing became an essential part of the project. Capturing the aspects of the everyday in a more abstract, looser way reflects its intangible definition. The drawings simultaneously have structure and routine yet are also ever-changing, just like the everyday. 

  • Henri Lefebvre's 'vacuum' is well documented in these drawings from Manchester City Centre. A lot of the people I observed were on their phones, and by capturing them en masse it highlights technologies presence in the everyday.
  • The anonymity of the individuals documented speaks to the universality of the everyday, where even individuals with differing routines, structures and definitions of the everyday are still a part of the social whole, of society, and of a web of human connections. 

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