Wednesday 24 October 2018

Project Updates, Hubberholme Trip, City Centre Focus

  • started with a place to visit and document the 'everyday' in that place. I wanted somewhere different and unique from the ordinary everydays of modern society and so picked the small hamlet of Hubberholme in the Dales.
  • The difficulty of  getting there and the lack of 'action' meant I couldn't continue making work there.
  • However the trip was helpful in starting the work and opened my eyes up to the challenge of documenting the mundane.

  • The accessibility and variety of goings-on in Leeds City Centre made it a good choice for the location of the project.
  • Started by attempting to 'exhaust a place', similar to Georges Perec, writing observations of what happened around me, along with quick sketches
  • I was not too happy with the drawings, I don't feel like the are well done, nor do they seem to tell much of a story of the everyday, however they were a start.

  • The idea of documenting everyone entering and leaving a place tells more of a story than the random observations.
  • Not only is the passing of time documented but also the variety of differing individuals connected by a unifying action. Closer observations can be made, or questioned, such as why are these people visiting the gallery midday in the middle of the week? What does this say about society as a whole?

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