Tuesday 9 October 2018

Project Proposal/Presentation Feedback

Presentation went well, but discussion afterwards was so helpful and invaluable - I needed feedback to know if the seed of an idea or direction I was heading in was sufficient enough and the answer was most definitely yes.
Over summer I had the idea of documenting and recording life, but at that stage it was way too broad and I was unsure how to narrow it down into a manageable, interesting exploration. The work in the module briefing and in my portfolio that interests me the most were about a place - so this will be my starting point. Narrowing down to a starting focus ensures that the idea can be explored properly via that starting point; the place I choose will become the filter with which to explore the everyday.

Some key words/points from feedback:

- Small personal experiences
- What is the everyday? Mundane? Define
- Untold story, place nobody knows - unexplored
- Have something to say - why should other people care?
- Start broad, record everything
- What interests you in the place?

Next Steps:

- Define 'everyday' and 'mundane'
- Research suggested contextual sources; other artists, illustrators, scientists
- Choose a place; unexplored, unknown, historical
- Spend time in place; thinking, observing, exploring, finding
- Start recording discoveries; sights, sounds, smells, sensations, landmarks, people, wildlife etc.
- Build up varied portrait of place with recordings
- Analyse findings; anything unusual, particularly interesting or unique? Anything worth focussing on or exploring more?

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