Thursday 2 March 2017

Visual Journey - Posters

From my earlier textural and typographic work, I coupled them together to make posters; fake advertising selling nothing. There is an interesting discussion that exists regarding advertising being simply aesthetic instead of commercially functional. I was simply making posters that looked nice and commented on advertising yet served no further purpose as images.

Putting them up was a way of taking this idea and actually applying it, pushing it outside of the confines of the studio, something that I need to push more in my uni work. I don't know whether it particularly worked in this instance, due to the execution and process I used to actually stick them up. They are very DIY, 2 A4 sheets taped together which were then haphazardly taped up. It does show an interesting juxtaposition when compared to the polished, slick billboards we see daily and stands true to the DIY ethics, but in this case they may have been more effective had they exactly emulated real adverts. They also might have lasted longer...

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