Thursday 30 March 2017

Visual Journal - Textured Ladies

Combining my previous experiments with texture and line/shape, specifically in response to perfume adverts, I have found a slightly new aesthetic direction for my work.

I absolutely love these textured lady images, based off existing adverts, but subverting them into anonymous, slightly animated versions of the models depicted. I am aiming to keep a degree of elegance with these images, still taking them out of context but by using textures they almost become pieces of art rather than the raunchy and sexualised images they start as. For some reason they take on a different quality, one that is perhaps less objectifying and more respectful and appreciative...whether this is true or not I am unsure.

Again it is still about deconstructing the images we are force fed on a daily basis via advertising, seeing how their messages and interpretations change and alter with the context and the medium used to create them. 

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