Friday 30 December 2016

Visual Journal - Research, Flying Leaps

An interesting essay on fly posting:

"Propaganda must be made directly by words and images, not by writing,” states Goebbels […]. Reading implies time for reflection, a slowing-down that destroys the mass’s dynamic efficiency".

- Paul Virilio (1977 [1986:5]) Speed and Politics Semiotext(e), NY, USA

There appears an interesting similarity between what Adrian Burnham called 'incongruous eruptions' and what I am making with my textures. Both show simply the hand of the maker and not much else, they serve no commercial or capitalist purpose, the sell nothing and say little, but that is their point. Whether they are simply 'eruptions', visually appealing or refreshing oasis's among the jungle that is public advertising space, or whether they have a deeper meaning, provoking thought and making a statement against the system, they have a certain charm and boldness about them. They exist to exist, and are there whether they are meant to be or not, unapologetically. 

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