Wednesday 29 November 2017

Study Task 2 - Reading and Understanding Texts

The text I chose was an article on Varoom website called 'Scribbler' by illustrator John Hewitt. In it he discusses his experiences touring with the band The Pogues in the 80's alongside a photographer, capturing what he saw and experienced in a little sketchbook.

He explores the similarities and differences between drawing and photography as creative processes and how they both are able to capture a situation and tell a story. This idea is something which I want to explore in my project, how photography is different from drawing in how they are created and also how they are then read by an audience. 

My poster explores the process of drawing from life, the fast and interpreted marks that are made in order to capture what is seen in a short space of time; this is given context by a quote from the article, which sums up a big part of that process. 

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