Friday 7 October 2016

Context of Practice - Module Briefing

I found the exercise we did at the end of the context of practice briefing equally inspiring and difficult. It is a technique that I might adopt in my work in the future when I am stuck for ideas or starting points for what to create. The process of pairing two words together, often of totally varying contexts, makes for some unique and interesting responses, demanding you to think in a different way to depict something you would not have previously thought up.

My two lists were on the cop categories of history and society. I feel like the words on both were quite challenging to respond to, especially when paired together with the same number word on the other list. In the end I chose number 9 to make Group Depression. I feel this evoked the strongest visual ideas as well as allowing a lot of room to play with a concept, rather than just a description of something to draw. 

In the time I only came up with these two outcomes, taking the idea of group depression quite literally, my favourite being the one on the left hand side. Visually I think it is more appealing, although I really could have played around more with the facial expressions and perhaps use of body language too, had I included their bodies. I just like how the heads are vignettes against the dark background cloud, however the composition would have been more effective had they been closer to each other, or even overlapping to create a dense form of heads. I think texture or more detail in the cloud could have worked but I do like the stark contrast of the white head against the dark black. To follow on from this I will try and redo this idea to make the outcome more effective, adding more detail in the faces and background as well as properly considering their composition and layout.

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