Friday 14 December 2018

Final Practical Peer Review

Some interesting point raised in feedback.

Key parts:

  • ‘Plenty of tests’
  • ‘Work has repetition - just like the everyday’
  • ‘Monoprints have a really effective ‘mood’ - lets viewer take away their own perspective’
  • ‘Mixed media work is a step in the right direction…the everyday doesn't have to be all the same’
  • ‘A full scene of people could be interesting - a larger documentation’
  • ‘Maybe focus on other elements of what you are documenting…what can you hear? what can you smell?’
  • ‘Homely, Silent, Nostalgic’

I believe the practical work has reached a point of making sense, of being whole and coherent without the aid of the essay when presented in the crit. I have ended up with quite a large amount of drawings, especially as I have been redrawing sketches from my sketchbooks in order to preserve some coherency in my final publication. 

I was really pleased with the 3 words that somebody put to sum up the work - Homely, Silent, Nostalgic. I think nostalgic particularly makes it relatable, allowing the viewer to picture their own life and past in relation to the drawings. This creates a connection between the work and the viewer, provoking an emotional response which I find very important.

The only think that I think lets the work down is the absence of the writing. This particular practical project I feel stands strongest when viewed alongside the ideas and theories I was researching. I think that in itself it is not the most explorative of projects, but instead illustrates the ideas presented in my essay, as it would in a book. There is not so much a clear journey in the work when viewed alone and perhaps the overall conclusion or observations get lost in this regard - one of the comments received questions ‘…what the author (you) concludes personally?’, which I think is covered in the writing more than the images. 

I cannot help but wish I had been more explorative with the work I made on this project. Especially visually, had I pushed that side more I think my concepts and ideas could have been portrayed a lot more effectively especially to an audience who does not have my writing accompanying the drawings for context and background information. 

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