Saturday 22 September 2018

Summer Research - Theories, Narrative Exposure Therapy

'Only through an externalisation of the feelings, abuse and distrust, will true healing occur'

'As narratives are an integrative part of every culture, NET is a culturally universal short-term intervention for the reduction of traumatic stress symptoms...NET is a form of exposure that encourages traumatised survivors to tell their detailed life history chronologically to a skilled councillor or psychotherapist who will record it, read it back, and assist the survivor with the task of integrating fragmented traumatic memories into a coherent narrative'

- Proves the importance and benefits of externalising life events, whether traumatic or otherwise

- Sees life in narrative structure, recording chronologically as a method of understanding and processing experiences

M, Schauer, F, Neuner, T, Elbert (20050, Narrative Exposure Therapy: A Short-Term Intervention for Traumatic Stress Disorders after War, Terror, or Torture, Hogrefe & Huber, USA

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